Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Debby Herbenick to Receive Early Career Scholar Award from School of Public Health-Bloomington

Dr. Debby Herbenick
The Research Committee of the School of Public Health-Bloomington has announced that Dr. Debby Herbenick is the 2013 recipient of the school’s Early Career Scholar Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to research and/or creative activity by an early career member of the faculty in the School of Public Health-Bloomington.
Dr. Herbenick, whose research is focused on sexual health, is an Associate Scientist and serves as Co-Director of the school’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion.

Dean Mohammad R. Torabi, noted “Dr. Herbenick has developed an international reputation for conducting rigorous research in the area of sexual health. Of particular note has been the extent to which she has worked to translate research findings to the general public in order to help individuals around the world better understand the complexities often associated with relationships and sexual behaviors.”

Dr. Herbenick will be presented the award during a public seminar to be held on April 16, 2013 at 10:30am in the University Club in the Indiana Memorial Union.  A reception honoring Dr. Herbenick follows the seminar.

Indiana Prevention Resource Center celebrates 25 years with bullying prevention events

The Indiana Prevention Resource Center, part of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a series of activities designed to raise awareness about bullying and provide educators with more tools to address bullying in their schools.

"Sticks and Stoned: Bullying, Substance Use and Mental Health Policies, Practices and Resources" features four events in April that will give educators and the general public an opportunity to hear from state and national experts about addressing bullying, a problem known to contribute to mental health and substance abuse problems in teens and adolescents.

"It is important to recognize the relationship between bullying and poor mental health outcomes and substance abuse," said Jeanie Alter, project manager with the IPRC. "The better we understand how they influence each other, the better we can prevent problems and be responsive to issues when they arise."

Monday, March 25, 2013

Indiana University Bloomington names Beth Meyerson as an Outstanding Junior Faculty Member

Dr. Beth Meyerson
Meyerson, an assistant professor of health policy and management in the School of Public Health-Bloomington and co-director of the Center for AIDS/STD Prevention, studies what she calls "health system elasticity;" referring to the flexibility of health systems to create greater access for populations facing health inequalities. Her work has involved everything from information system integration to health system behavior change She has been an IU faculty member since 2011 after serving as president/CEO of the Policy Resource Group LLC. Dr. Meyerson has a Ph.D. from Saint Louis University.

Meyerson's award will support a national cervical cancer screening policy adoption study of state public programs. "In the U.S. we are in the enviable position to achieve cervical cancer elimination in our lifetimes," Meyerson said. "New screening recommendations are a policy innovation that can leverage program evolution. Our success against cervical cancer depends in part on our understanding whether and how policy innovation is being adopted by states, and the factors that facilitate or prevent adoption."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

School of Public Health-Bloomington creates Office of Global and Community Health Partnerships

Resources for creating and nurturing more effective community engagement have been brought together under a new umbrella office at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington. Local and international partners alike can now connect with school's students, faculty and staff via the Office of Global and Community Health Partnerships.

The realignment emphasizes the continued evolution taking place at the new school, formerly the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and addresses the public health-oriented workforce development needs of rural regions in central and southern Indiana. School efforts to address critical public health issues such as violent crimes and obesity -- issues that hamper communities in Indiana and around the world -- are ongoing and expected to expand as the office makes it easier to connect the school's resources to community partners who need them.

"Our school has traditionally had deep levels of community engagement," said Michael Reece, associate dean for research. "We plan to capitalize on that, and the momentum created by the transition, to play a more integral role in reshaping the health and social services infrastructure in our communities and to make an impact on health care delivery."

Friday, March 1, 2013

School of Public Health-Bloomington to sponsor 9th Annual Bloomington AIDS Walk

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection remains a significant health issue in our community, with nearly 200 individuals living with
HIV in Monroe County alone. In the region, nearly 500 individuals are living with HIV, and over 4,000 Hoosiers are have been infected with the virus. While it no longer garners the national attention it once did, HIV infection rates continue to remain stable, and in some populations, are increasing.

To bring needed attention and funding to the ongoing issues of HIV prevention, education, and health support, the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington is proud to announce that it has partnered with IU Health and is this year’s primary sponsor of the 9th Annual Bloomington Aids Walk.

When:  Singup is Saturday March 23rd at 12:30, start time is 2pm
Where: Buskirk Park (formerly the Third Street Park)
Additional details:

All proceeds of the Bloomington AIDS Walk benefit IU Health Positive Link.

The Bloomington AIDS Walk is an opportunity for members of the community to join together to help the fight against AIDS by raising funds for AIDS prevention, research, and education.

"Health promotion and disease prevention through research, teaching,  and meaningful community engagement are the heart and soul of our mission," noted Mohammad Torabi, dean of the School of Public Health-Bloomington and chancellor's professor. "I am very pleased we are the presenting sponsor for such an important awareness-raising event and that we are able to partner with IU Health Positive Link. The work they do is critical to so many people in our community and region. I encourage everyone to considering participating."

Teams are welcomed so start your own or donate to help a friend with theirs. There is a competition to see which teams will raise the most for this great cause, so let’s dig in and get to work! Come walk with us, start a team, donate some time, effort, and money to help save lives and provide a better future for everyone.

Parking is street level. Cats and dogs are welcomed and must be leashed.